Rede Oficina
Gangue de Guimarães
Residências Artísticas
Creative Grants
Networks And Partnerships
Associated with a specific territorial space (country, region or city), and including all the immaterial aspects that defines it as a place, the Casa da Memória (House of Memories) – which in this case, is of Guimarães – views the local territory as its initial starting point. For local residents it is a space of knowledge and recognition (the “memories” include objective and subjective remembrance and reminiscence). For visitors, it i s a place of discovery and interpretation of what has become memory (fulfilled in this case as a construction and a transmission).
In both cases it is a space of citizenship, where we can meet each other as individuals and as a community, a space of projection, where we talk about everything we desire, a space of knowledge, where we don’t just learn through study and interpretation, but also through our relationships or the associations that are proposed, which include similarity and difference (which makes it possible to locate the territory in the world, including that which makes it equal and that which distinguishes it), remembrance and forgetfulness (understanding memory as a form of selectivity), permanence or passage (as generators of different depths of memory). This House of Memory thus serves as a meeting place for past representations and future imaginations of the individual and place, the community and the territory. A place where, by understanding things, we also avoid forgetting things, and remember that which is known and transmitted. People will thereby become more tolerant, wiser and as a result even more human. This premise is materialised in the Territory and Community exhibition.
The Territory axis is organised across three segments: maps, representation and utopia. This organisation enables us to understand memory as an attempt and objectification process (through maps), as subjectivity (through representation of space) and as projection (through our imagination). On the other hand, Guimarães, as a territory, is understood in terms of its maps, representations or images (in a metaphorical sense) and by its own imaginary universes and utopian projection.
UNIT 1: Maps and Territory of Guimarães
The chronological reading of the history of humanisation in the territory of Guimarães offers a linear reference to become familiar with the landmarks that shape the region and understand the evolution of its geographical transformations. Over time, the dimensions of the territory of Guimarães have changed, as the demarcated space of the municipality has gained and lost physical surface at different moments in time. While the Historic Centre, classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is the epicentre of Guimarães, the rivers and watercourses also define the dynamics of the municipality’s growth and development.
UNIT 2: Guimarães Represented
There are different representations - and motivations - that convey the perception and memory of a territory over time. Documents that establish laws and norms, such as a Charter or classification of the Historic Centre by UNESCO, the transmission of a specific subjectivity through films or photographs, personal notes in a daily notebook or an artist’s drawing, reading the stories which were prohibited by the sensors, there are many stories and memories that Guimarães stores and that they store in relation to Guimarães.
UNIT 3: Utopias and Other Futures
Thinking of utopia in terms of memory involves an apparent contradiction, because memory refers to the past, and utopia projects future. The idea of utopia is a fictional projection of an imaginary place, without a concrete physical reference, whose society is distinct from that which is familiar to us. A utopia is sometimes a proposal for an idealised and unattainable future. Thinking about a territory in terms of the present, the past and the future involves establishing connections between past memories and future utopias. In Guimarães, there have been several “future projects” that were never carried out and that, if they were, would have transformed the municipality into another place. And because memory is situated, has a specific context, and is constantly being built, future scenarios can also be created and played in the Casa da Memória (House of Memory).
The organisation of the Community axis is structured across curiosities, objects, biographies and testimonies. This axis helps us understand individual and collective memories as a process of unification and differentiation of a community, the memory of objects as part of the city's historical memory and sensorial memories as a form of knowledge and interpretation. On the other hand, Guimarães is understood in terms of its relationship with local residents or visitors, by the symbolism of the things that belonged to people whose lives developed in Guimarães and by the availability of data that makes it possible to create non-linear memories of the city.
UNIT 4: Atlas of Curiosities
This Atlas contains a set of objects and facts that enable us to learn curious aspects about the community in Guimarães. The official statistics provided by databases characterise it, while the popular vernacular listings make us smile due to their peculiarities. The symbol “Aqui Nasceu Portugal” (Portugal was born here) coexists with a panoply of shiny advertisements that, day and night, enliven the communal spaces in the municipality. What memory aids do the people living in Guimarães depend upon? What memories do sounds and smells bring to you?
UNIT 5: Memory Objects
Each object can be read as a repository of individual and collective memories. Certain objects represent great deeds of the past – such as the glory of a King linked to a sword. Other objects, such as a flower pot in a cemetery, reveal personal tragedies. Others remind us of everyday aspects of our lives - such as a gas canister or a pair of shoes. The memory of objects from Guimarães reaches us from a broad temporal arc: from prehistory to the foundation of the nation, of Rural Societies and Festivities, to Industrialisation of the Ave valley, to the Contemporary era. Several video tutorials teach us something, through objects from the different periods represented: convent sweets, the sound of drums used in the Nicolina festivities, the folding of sheets, and sports imagery linked to Guimarães football club - Vitória Sport Clube.
UNIT 6: Historical Biographies
Fifty biographies of people who were born in, or adopted by, Guimarães, who, from the early years of occupation of the territory until the recent past, have asserted themselves in several areas - assuming important roles in the History of Guimarães and beyond.
UNIT 7: Memories and Testimonies
Life experiences and stories mark our individual character. They also mark the way in which we integrate ourselves into the communities to which we belong and with which we connect, permanently or sometimes merely temporarily. The same question was posed to sixty members of this community: What is your most remarkable memory of Guimarães? The question serves as the common denominator for the widest possible segment of people and their relations with Guimarães – those born here, inhabitants, people passing through, visitors, travellers, tourists - but also as a means of enhancing a vast and diverse array of responses and relations with the city and its public and private spaces.
Propriedade, promoção e coordenação geral
Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Coordenação executiva e conceito
[Joana Meneses Fernandes, Eduardo Brito, Isabel Reis, Ana Pedrosa]
Investigação e conteúdos
[Inês Moreira, Sofia Romualdo, Ana Bragança, Francisco Brito, Sara Moreira]
Design expositivo e gráfico
Studio Andrew Howard
[Andrew Howard, Rita Carvalho, João Oliveira, Pedro Pina, Gustavo Fernandes, Sofia Rato, Afonso Borges, Síncrono – illuminação]
Autores convidados
Ana Aragão
Gonçalo M. Tavares
Tito Mouraz
Produção executiva
A Oficina
[Pedro Silva, Catarina Pereira, Hugo Dias, Inês Oliveira, Jaime Guimarães, Miguel Barbosa]
Plataforma de criação de paisagem urbana
Jeremy Hugh Aston
Produção vídeo
[Célia Machado, Rafael Lino]
Os Fredericos
Produção fotográfica
Miguel Oliveira
Paulo Carvalho
Alvaro Negrello
Reproduções 3D
[Filipe Noronha, Ivo Mariano]
Alvaro Negrello
Multimédia e tecnologia
Power Focus
Equipamento expositivo
Impressão gráfica
Digipress – Edição Electrónica de Impressos
Lúmen – Design/Imaging
Xirobloc – Comunicação e Imagem
TT Minho – Traduções Técnicas do Minho
Alexander D. Kilpatrick
Colaborações e agradecimentos
Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo
Cinemateca Portuguesa –
Museu do Cinema
Direção Geral do Património Cultural – Arquivo de Documentação Fotográfica
Instituto Geográfico Português
Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército
Centro Português de Fotografia
Fundação de Serralves
ASPA – Associação para a Defesa do Património Arqueológico, Braga
Museu Nogueira da Silva, Braga
Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro
Sociedade Martins Sarmento
Biblioteca Municipal Raul Brandão
Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta
Muralha – Associação de Guimarães Para a Defesa do Património
Museu da Agricultura de Fermentões
Santuário de São Torcato
AAELG – Velhos Nicolinos
Cineclube de Guimarães
Grupo Moretextile
Pastelaria Costinhas
Pastelaria Clarinha
Vitória Sport Club
Paço dos Duques de Bragança
Museu de Alberto Sampaio
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
Casa Museu Abel Salazar
Associação Comercial e Industrial de Guimarães
Universidade do Minho
Associação Artística da Marcha Gualteriana
Versão Infinita – Artigos de decoração
Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal
Prof. Doutora Maria Augusta Babo (FCSHUNL)
Doutor Eduardo Pires de Oliveira
Drª Maria Helena Trindade (MNS)
Dr. Rui Vítor Costa (Muralha)
Prof. Doutora Alice Duarte (FLUP)
Professor Carlos Mesquita (Cineclube de Guimarães)
Carolina Vieira (Bobine Super 8 São Torcato)
Eng.º Daniel Oliveira e restante equipa (UM)
Dra. Daniela Xavier (Moretextile)
Dª. Elvira (Pastelaria Costinhas)
Família de Maria da Conceição de
Oliveira Mota Pinto dos Santos
Dra. Francisca Abreu
Prof. Doutor Gonçalo Leite Velho (IPT)
Dra. Inês Pereira (VSC)
Dra. Isabel Fernandes (Paço dos Duques de Bragança)
Joaquim Fernandes (Mundifios)
Joaquina Campos
Dr. João Sousa Pinto (Casa Museu Abel Salazar)
Jorge Correia (Loja e Armazém de Brinquedos)
Dr. Luís Farinha Franco (Biblioteca Nacional)
Eng. Manuel Martins e restante equipa (ACIG)
Dra. Manuela Silva
Dra. Marta Melo (Delegação Norte da Alzheimer Portugal)
Dr. Miguel José Teixeira (historiador)
Dr. Nuno Faria (CIAJG)
Prof. Doutor Paulo Cruz (UMinho)
Dr. Paulo Vieira de Castro e Direção e equipa da Sociedade Martins Sarmento
Prof. Doutor Pedro Bandeira (UMinho)
Dr. Ricardo Gonçalves (VSC)
Dra. Rosa Saavedra (Museu Alberto Sampaio)
Dr. Rui Azevedo (Moretextile)
Dr. Rui J. Lopes Faria (historiador)
Dra. Susana Medina (FEUP)
João Neves (Velhos Nicolinos)
Adélia Faria
Agostinho Silva
Bela Alves
Carla Santos
Conceição Ferreira
Cristina Vilarinho
Fernanda Braga
Gaspar Carreira
Isabel Oliveira
João Barbosa
João Leite
José Manuel Alves
José Ribeiro
Sameiro Fernandes
Tutorial Nicolinos
Alexandra Cerqueira
António Araújo
Jaime Filipe
João Neves
João Vicente Salgado
José Almeida
José M. Almeida Fernandes
José Maia
Luís Mendes Almeida
Mário Gonçalves
Paulo Fernandes
Paulo Gonçalves Soares
Tiago Simães
Família Martins Aldão pela cedência do local (Quinta de Aldão)
Conceição Clavel pela orientação na Quinta de Aldão
AAELG Velhos Nicolinos pela disponibilidade pela Torre dos Almadas Irmandade de S.Nicolau pela disponibilidade da Capela de S.Nicolau
Tutorial Doces Conventuais
Rosário Ferreira
Clara Ferreira
Pastelaria Clarinha
Tutorial Indústria Têxtil
Rui Azevedo
Daniela Xavier
Grupo Moretextile
Tutorial Claques do Vitória
Tazo (Vice-Presidente da Claque White Angels) e restante claque
Marco (Presidente da Claque Suspeitos do Costume)
Lobo (Presidente da Claque Insane Guys)
Maria Carlos Mesquita
Jorge Diogo Leite
Tiago Magalhães
José Balinha
Pilar Pastor
Cláudia Martins
Daniele Burattini
Sylvie Oliveira Pinheiro
Emília Araújo
Rafaela Salvador
Joana Gama
Ana Zita Lopes
Liliana Ribeiro
Tazo (Anastácio Lima Pereira)
Fabian Jubbega
João Guimarães
Tiago Simães
Joy Hanford
Maria Luís Neiva
Rodrigo Areias
Andreia Martins
Zong Mei
Álvaro Dinis Mendes
Hélder Guimarães
Oliver Pazo
Mário Carvalho
Delia Pereira de Carvalho
José Sousa
Paulo Bessa
Alexandra Oliveira
Paulo Cruz
Luís Ribeiro
Neno (Adelino Barros)
Maria José Marques
José Garcia
José Carlos Oliveira
Anastácia de Oliveira
Vasco Manuel Carneiro Bastos
Egídio Pinheiro
Manuel Leite da Silva
Dimitri Nikolov
António Júlio Freitas Novais
Augusta Ribeiro
Maria Fátima Costa
Maria Manuel Oliveira
Joaquim Fernandes
Margarida Fernandes
João Matos
Manuel Roriz Mendes
Francisca Abreu
Ivo Martins
Abel Pereira
Carlos Mesquita
António Magalhães
Fortunato Frederico
Raimundo Fernandes
Conceição Lemos
José Freitas Abreu
António Emílio Ribeiro
Avelino Ferreira